Friday, June 13, 2008

Barack Who?

It has come to my attention that Obama is getting a preferable treatment in the news media today. Which is odd to me, I really thought Clinton, who's blood is almost "pure", would be the next president. Like Robert Kennedy said before he was assassinated, the next president will be a democrat, and winning the democratic ticket is winning the presidential.
So, how did the media help Obama win? In a totally shady manner of course:
Some idiot on Fox said something about him being a Muslim because he went to a Muslim school. This was the first false accusation, it gave the opportunity to Obama to defend himself (After all until a week ago he was part of a Christan faith church), and in turn it, made it look like, to the unsuspecting public, that he is a good guy, human like the rest of us. Someone (FOX) wrongly accused him (something all of us can relate to), he was able to easily rebut the accusations with pilling evidence (How did FOX miss that evidence?) and gained sympathy from millions of American and was projected to the head of the polls due to the publicity from the affair.
So how are they helping him now? In the most ridiculous fashion, but I'm not surprised: FOX, again, called his wife "Obama's baby mama", an expression normally reserved for unwed mothers of black complexion, probably to gain support from all single mothers.
Remember: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength, and deceit is everywhere.


TaxFreeAuthor said...

Question. Why in the world would FOX, a right-wing org. even by my own right-wing standards, do anything to help bolster an Obama candidacy? Clinton would have been a much easier opponent for McCain. Moreover, I don't recall FOX ever saying that Obama was a Muslim or making any racially sensitive references about Michelle "I hate America" Obama. In fact, it was the ultra left-wing LA Times that dubbed Obama the "Magic Negro". Why no mention of that in your blog? Your are correct, however, in that the media did indeed pave the way for Obama to become the Democrat candidate for prez, but it was the left-wing media... not Fox or National Review or any other right-wing org. Heaven help us if we end up with the most liberal Senator in the Senate as our prez. He would no doubt be the least qualified person ever to hold the office. No one can academically debate that point. Anyone but Bush, though, says the media to its brainwashed minions.

Clement said...

Well I couldn't find the original FOX news clip, but I did find this: You don't have to believe me, but it's all there
Which proves me right and disproves you.
Sorry your homies at FOX aren't as right wing as you are.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't find the clip because it doesn't exist. In fact, all FOX did in regards to the matter at hand is report on a rumor sent out by the Clinton campaign that Obama attended a Madras or whatever type of school a radical Muslim goes to. FOX reported news. That is the purpose of a news organization in my opinion. There was no opinion conveyed in the video clip you linked to. Here's a point of order. Who controls the media in the US? Well, Stephanopolis (ABC) worked for Bill Clinton. Russert (NBC) worked for two Democrat politicians (Moynihan and Cuomo). Dan Rather (CBS) called an election for Al Gore- we all know how that ended- and then put his reputation on the line in support of what turned out to be forged documents intended to discredit George Bush (43) which precipitated Rather's disgraceful departure from CBS. Chris Matthews (MSNBC) worked for the lib from Mass Tip O'Neil. I could go on and on, but to summarize, a recent poll indicated that nearly 90% of US media professionals (if you can call them that) vote Democrat. The US media is dominated by libs. The owner of FOX, Rupert Murdoch, (ironically he's from Australia), commands no more than 10% of the US news media via FOX, the Washington Times, The New York Post, and his other media outlets. You, of all people, should welcome his minor, albeit significant, contribution to the media in the country in which you live.

Clement said...

Antisocialist, I like your name.
You're under the impression that the Republicans and the Democrats are two different party with different political goals and policies. That might have been true in the past but not since the rise of neoconservatism. The neoconservators infiltrated the republican party and brought along with them socialist ideas and they are trying to convince us all those are the ones of American patriots.
Now 90 to 95% of all American media is owned by these 6 companies: Disney, GE, News Corp (they recently bought the Dow Jones News Wire, own the Wall Street Journal and now virtually control all of the financial news), Time Warner,Viacom, and Vivendi Universal. Now how hard do you think it would be to corrupt the 6 CEOs to get them to do whatever the person buying them would want them to do. And what FOX news did was report a story without checking sources and then speculate has to where the info might have came from. That's not exactly responsible reporting if you ask me.