Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Energy Crisis-Common Sense Anyone?

To drill or not to drill? That is not the right question! When is anyone going to understand that a finite energy resource can not be the energy of the future?
I personally could care less if Big Oil starts drilling in the only natural wildlife habitat left on the planet, I just know it won't solve our problems in the long term.
So why not just stop wasting capital and liquidity (a rare commodity) on a technology which is on the brink of extinction. Why not just invest in a long term solution to our energy problem? Why not take the budget for the Iraq War, invest it into new energy tech, pull out of Iraq (we won't need the oil anymore anyway), and watch what happens? Why not become the leader in the energy of the future? Isn't that something the leader of the "Free World" should be up to?
This is the answer you don't want to hear: There are trillions of Dollars (or Euros) of oil left in the earth, and since that is worth more than any amount of lives to a few people who control the energy market, we're not getting any new and revolutionary energy technology until we extract every single drop of oil out of the earth. And our future, the future of our children, has absolutely no impact on those few people's judgment, or maybe just the opposite. What would they want to do with us once all of our capital is exhausted and the burden of our debt insurmountable due to astronomical food and energy cost?
If we all start thinking outside the TV, pick up a book, read some Greek philosophical ideas about knowledge, maybe the cave and shadow allegory, all of us would see the true light, and not a man made light. Then maybe, we'd discuss some realistic solutions to all of our problems.

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