Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Never Ending Financial Crisis

The Federal Reseve was sold to the American public as a way to prevent further financial crisis, after the 1907 panic.In light of recent events this statement alone should be proof we were conned, and that the conspiracy against the American people is real. 
Back then, the Money Trust had manipulated market derivatives and the banks lost big and turned illiquid, which created a confidence crisis, and a series of "runs" on the banks. Sounds familliar? That's because in 2000, a law allowed all kinds of market derivaties, which were outlaw after 1907, to be traded again. Look at that! 100 years later and the resaons for the crisis are still the same! 
How could no one predict that reintroducing these instruments could be very dangerous to the banking industry? The banks, and hedge funds, and mutual funds hire the brightest of the bright, send them to work as lobbyiest, so that they can write legislations which favors their industry (If you don't beleive me ask your representative what a credit swap is), and they come up with something that destroys everything in it's path...on accident?!
I will not believe that for one secound, and the media can blame the poor for taking on mortages they could not afford, or the Democrats for Freddie and Fannie, there is only one place to lay the blame and that's on the Banks themselves.
What could the banks have to win by destroying themselves? It left the door wide open for the Federal Reserve to swoop in and take whatever power they deemed necessary to solve the problem. That included printing over a Billion dollars on which they will collect interests.
So, why are things not going back to normal? Why is the real estate, and stock market still going down? Why are half a million job being lost in the banking and auto sector? Isn't the Fed powerfull enough to stop this? And if not, why do we need the Fed at all?

We are permenatly attached by the invisible shackles of money, to labor. Such is our fate, if you're not part of the top 1% of the world population who never had to work for a living. Imagine how those people must look down on us who have to go to work every day.  When they, on the other hand, choose to go to work. Now, that's freedom.

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